When operating boats, people encounter a wide range of problems that might require repairs and refurbishment. Marine engines need regular repair and maintenance. At some point in their lifespan most boats will need some kind of boat repair servicing.
Marine repairs are best performed by a marine mechanic. This is different to a regular vehicle mechanic in that they specialise in marine services. Marine mechanics play a vital part in The Rothen Group (TRG), as they help maintain our fleet of workboats that maintain and build the UK's waterways.
They are highly trained engineers with proven work experience as marine mechanics. Most marine mechanics have impressive knowledge of marine engines and electrical auxiliary systems.
Marine mechanics sometimes receive job alerts, directing them to the location where their services are required. As part of their role, they examine engines and electrical systems and carry out routine checks, like oil and fuel levels. If repairs are needed, they might perform the repairs at the location. They could also have the vessel transported somewhere with specialist equipment or a larger team of mechanics.
Often, it will be a marine mechanic who repairs or replaces damaged parts of the engine. It is a marine mechanic’s role to carry out a certain amount of vital administration. For example, they keep repair logs up to date for each vessel they work on.
Generally, to become a marine mechanic in the UK, a person would need at least for GCSEs at C or above. These would have to include English, maths, and science. Following that, one or more A-levels or equivalent. It is also helpful to have an interest in boats, sailing, or other activities involving marine vehicles.
For A-levels, equivalents, or higher education, the subjects studied should be connected to marine mechanics. Examples would include Mechanical Engineering, Marine Construction, or something similar.
It is possible to become a marine mechanic through university and college courses. People sometimes specialise in marine mechanics after completing a foundation degree in either marine engineering or marine technology. Many in the United Kingdom have completed full time advanced apprenticeships.
Once qualified, some marine mechanics go on to work for the Merchant Navy or the Royal Navy. Others work for private companies or begin their own company.
Like any type of engineering or mechanical work, marine mechanics need to have good maths skills. They should have a good understanding of engine design and function, and the tools and software used in the profession. It is likely, however, that this would be attained through the work itself.
The daily tasks involved in being a professional marine mechanic are many and varied. The job involves locating and addressing faults with various types of equipment, like hydraulic, electronic, or mechanical equipment. Sometimes they may be asked to help with the design and creation of entirely new marine equipment or refurbish older vessels.
Sometimes an old boat needs a new system or equipment installed, like a crane or hydraulic legs for stability. Figuring out how to retrofit these into a boat is part of a marine mechanics job. Many boats were not originally designed to take them, so it can be quite a tricky task.
When renting or buying a boat it is important to make sure it has been checked by a qualified marine mechanic. Neglecting to engage a marine mechanic for quality work can have severe consequences. There can be damage to property, injury to people, or even worse.
TRG always uses the best marine mechanics for the job. Each of TRGs fleet of workboats are regularly maintained to the highest professional standards.
For narrow and wide beam waterways, TRG supplies an array of workboats. Their range includes pontoons, powered tugs, and crane boats, among others. Along with the workboats, materials hoppers and stability legs to make possible a wide variety of marine maintenance and repair.
