Site: Bridge 238, Oxford Canal
Date: March 3023
The Rothen Group were asked by Canal & River Trust to assist with designing and building a new replacement timber lift bridge on the Oxford Canal.
The Project
Managing access through a leisure centre and school
No historical build information available
Restoring and re-using the lift bridge mechanisms and metal work
Removal and disposal of the existing timber bridge
Producing CAD drawings of new bridge
Supply of ‘kit form’ bridge parts made of heritage oak to be assembled on site
Refitting metal to new bridge
Installing new bridge in situ, including lift mechanism
We sent out our CAD designer to measure the existing bridge and work with the Canal & River Trust Heritage Advisor to incorporate the correct construction methods into the drawing and subsequently the build.
There was limited access to the site so we had to time the works around the school and leisure centre and work to a tight programme as the school required access via the bridge.
We had to use a tracked excavator for the lifting operations and our construction team lifted off the old bridge, constructed the new bridge and lifted it into position in a 3-day window.
These works were undertaken with minimal supervision and to a high standard, in conjunction with our pragmatic approach to these type of projects.
